

A wide range of services in the field of web design and digital marketing

Teamwork makes dream work

A successful website- and marketing efforts derives from good teamwork. Conversation and collaboration are the key components to a good outcome.



Við tökum símtal eða fund og setjum niður lýsingu á því sem óskað er eftir.



Úttekt gerð á stöðu mála, verklýsing samin og send til skoðunar / samþykktar.



Í stærri verk eru gerðar áætlanir en önnur verk eru unnin í tímavinnu.



Hönnun miðar að því að láta karakter hvers og eins skína í gegn.



Verkefni eru unnin af alúð og fagmennsku og í góðu samtali við viðskiptavini.



Afhending verkefnis fer fram þegar það telst fullklárað og samþykkt af verkkaupa.

Are you dazzled by the digital stuff?

Together we identify the methods that best suit your business.

Web design in Word Press

Design and development of quality websites and online stores that promote your services or products.

Website care packages

Maintenance and care for your website, system updates, content management and customer service that fits your needs.

Marketing materials

Design of diverse marketing materials for online- and print media. Coordination of content across platforms.


Design and implementation of META marketing campaigns across platforms.

Analytic tools

Implementation of GA4, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager and related services to facilitate data driven decision making.

Google Ads and keywords

Design and implementation of Google Ads and related keywords for search optimization.

Email marketing platforms

Email marketing via MailChimp, SendInBlue and other platforms. Design, copy- and content creation and list management.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO work on a website aims to improve visibility so that products and services can be found without paid advertising.

Google Business

Installation of Google Business for companies with information about products, services, opening hours, etc.


Tutorials on WordPress, Canva, META platform and MailChimp for those who wish to create and share digital content themselves.

Content creation

Concept work and organization of photoshoots to acquire new content.


Excellent customer service is our ambition. Customers with service contract take priority.


We work closely with customers on their digital journey. The main objective is to always provide outstanding service in a professional manner.

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